Yakima Watchdog

Advocating for responsible Government.

In a democracy, it is crucial to hold our government accountable. This means ensuring that elected officials are acting in the best interests of the people they represent. It also means ensuring that government agencies are operating efficiently and effectively.

Ways to hold our elected officials accountable

Verifying what they say

Submitting records requests and checking the official word of your government ensures you can know when you are being told the truth, or their version of it.


One of the most important ways to hold government accountable is to vote. By voting, you are choosing the people who will represent you in government. Make sure to research the candidates and their positions on the issues that are important to you.

Contacting your elected officials

Let your elected officials know how you feel about the issues that are important to you. You can do this by writing a letter, sending an email, or calling their office.

Attending public meetings

Public meetings are a great way to learn about what your government is doing. You can also use public meetings to voice your concerns and ask questions.

“Open proceedings, with a vigorous and scrutinizing press, serve to ensure the durability of our democracy”

– Judge Damon J. Keith

Get in Touch

This website is dedicated to providing citizens with the information and resources they need to hold their government accountable. We provide access to public records and government data, investigate and report on government wrongdoing, educate citizens about their rights and responsibilities, and advocate for reforms that promote accountability and transparency.